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Old 08-03-2007   #1
not gay
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The Brotherhood... Man Up or GTFO.

Beware Tirrex, Wall of text incoming.

I wont pretend that looking over the roster I see that we're brimming at the seams these days. As the process of guilds disbanding, reforming, renewing on the progression list above and below us, coupled with our recent success... this isn't to be a huge surprise.

Truth is... we we're looking for a couple extra raiders and they're being thrown at us like speghetti on a wall. And now is the ultimate test... to see which of these applicants fill in the missing pieces which is the overall picture of the Brotherhood or if they're just skilled raiders with even greater granduer then we could ever sasiate.

Truth is, we're the mother fucking Brotherhood... and we march to a different beat.


I guess it would be prudent for me to first give you a bit of a history lesson. When you look at the Inner Council, you'll note we're pretty tight. That's probably the most intimidating thing for anybody entering the guild. They see, and ask, the entire Inner Council are real life friends? And the answer is hell yes. Most of us grew up in Maryland, some of us childhood friends, others newer friends, the others grew an unbreakable bond through the game.

But from what I've come to learn, we're probably one of the most respected guilds because of it. And it certainly doesn't mean whatever we want goes. We've appointed trusted friends of ours as Dignitiaries, and I'll let you in on a secret. We don't always agree on every situation. But most things get talked out and come to conclusions for the greater good of the guild.

But outside of that, it's taken a lot of work getting to where we are now. I remember in the first few months of existence, it was difficult convincing people we weren't Praetorians 2.0, since most of the bulk of the guild came from there, but even if you look over the landscape of us now, you can easily tell we're nothing like Praetorians.


When you look over the guild you'll see new names, but most adapt pretty quickly. If you watch guild chat or listen in on vent, you'll quickly understand... it's the wild west, and anything goes.

That's probably cause the bulk of us are guys and best friends, and you can plainly see... this is a first name basis guild. Not only do the officers know each other on a first name basis, but most the guild will call each other by their first names.

This is how we enjoy things. And we say whatever is on our minds. When we raids you'll probably be exposed to people and situations you've never been. If you're easily offended by almost anything then I'll tell you, prepare to be offended 75% of your raiding time. Cause that's just how we roll... most of it is to be taken with a grain of salt.

We make fun of each other, but it's the fact that we have respect for each other and the guild, which makes it fine. We haze new people. You can ask those pledges how it once was to be a rush. It's painful, you have no rights, you're not earned you colors in the family yet... but when you do...

you're Brotherhood for life


Here are the things that really peave me lately. If you know the officers our goals are neither Pve or Pvp oriented. Our goals are to have fun. We strive and compete in all aspects of the game, we occasionaly do crazy games and contests, shit like that.

We're easily one of the most loved and hated guilds on the server. There are GMs from the top guilds who have either tried to help or hinder our progression. But we take everything as it comes. When someone throws a punch at the Bhood, we bring the sledgehammer down on them.

That takes a lot of intellegance too. That doesn't mean goto the realm forums and make asses out of us. If you ever have a question on a situation, its best to ask an officer. Cause we're assholes. We gank horde, we show no aliegence to anybody but ourselves, and we're a pretty damn mischeivious guild. But on the other hand, we earn and loose a lot of respect for that.

We've told horde guilds we're not afraid, so, if your farming alone as The Brotherhood... chances of you getting camped by a group of horde is way higher than any other guild. Don't run. Don't cry. That's why we're here. You may think it hard to find people to help you return the favor to the horde. But if you ask correctly, we've been known to bring the full brunt to those who push at us.

One rule we have, is if horde are ganking at our summoning stone, we fucking take that shit back. Even if it takes away from our progression time. Because you don't fuck with the Bhood.

When raiding, we use our heads. People fuck up, we understand that. We don't want excuses we want results. We're far nicer than any other guild you'll goto. But there are things we NEED to do to progress. You're underperforming we replace you in the raid. An officer sends you a tell, we need you to sit, its nothing personal, you're either a.) new on the totem poll and at the bottom b.) you're sucking today or c.) we need somebody else in the raid very very badly. And generally people are totally cool about this, we don't fucking beat around the bush. But we're not complete assholes about it either. People disconnect, we replace if they're replaceable. I cant tell you how many times over the past three weeks, i've gotten tells from an irate reconnector, who has disconnected several times and we're upset they got replaced. It happens, you don't freak out when we replace other people. Don't freak out when you get replaced.

Another thing, sure the roster is huge. Largest guild on the server without a doubt. Cause we've got an ass-ton of causals, a lot of raiders, retired members, and officers. The guild charter will clearly define the hierarchy of invitation and all our rules on that. But truth is, sometimes we can't field raids, and thats unacceptable. We have enough people to field three 25-man raid groups. But most people choose to be casual, and the others don't leave because this guild is addictive. If you show up, do your job, and have a good attitude, you will get a spot.

The last, and biggest thing. There's not a whole lot of things you can do to get on my bad side. Selfishness is pretty much the only thing. I ask everyone in the guild to respect each other, and the way loot works. Use your brains. Don't be a fucking loot-whore. Loot is great. I love epics as much as the next person. And we play the dkp system as a competitive DKP system. Ask this week, I went to SSC, tried to play the DKP system, and got burned for DKP. But it was all in good fun, and I take none of it personally. When you try to take loot over a person, or pick up shit you don't need, or just are an ass-hat, thats when you're completly banished from us or punished harshly. We don't accept that here. Get along, it's not hard. Be smart with loot. And if this guild is not for you, or you're having problems with the system/people, talk to an officer. I've helped members who've wanted to go on other places. It's when you take our loot, look at us as a stepping stone guild, and then jump to another guild is when you'll probably regret it. That's not Brotherhood. We don't put our guild on the progression list, cause loot/progression isn't our priority. We like seeing new shit, because it's fun not doing the same bosses over and over again. We like getting loot, sure, makes us feel good. But it's when we become greedy and fucking malicious, thats un-fucking-acceptable. This is just a game.


So newcomers, welcome to the guild. Adapt to us, or find a new guild, it's that simple. You wont ever quite find a guild like this. I see the new applications, and I see "mature" guild. Well I hate to break the news, but we're really not that mature but we sure do like to have fun.

For alumni and other raiders, we're in this for the long run. You see new people, and it's best to help them and mentor them. Adjust them into the Brotherhood society, because that's the way we roll. They can probably help us in the long run.

Oh, yes, and take any opprotunity you can to remind Karrde how much he sucks.

-Xane (Brian)

p.s. Sorry for the spelling mistakes. I see the red dots, but I'm too lazy to fix the words.
-The Godfather of the Brotherhood.
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