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Old 03-03-2008   #1
not gay
XaneAvitar's Avatar

Main Character:
Xanetrain (talents)
Human Warrior

Posts: 2,142

For all new applicants!


You're here for one of a few reasons.

1. You saw our recruitment post on the realm/recruitment forum post
2. You're one of the Evolution members trying to find a new home.
3. You've stumbled onto us by some other reason.

A few things... please take our application process seriously. Read over our guild charter (http://www.thebhood.com/showthread.php?t=199) although a bit outdated will give you the gyst of how things run. If you have any questions direct them to an officer. Descartes (our recruitment officer) will probably ask you a series of questions, we're looking for people w/ not only good skill and gear but good personality as well. If you get accepted you'll ask for forum access (http://www.thebhood.com/showthread.php?t=6) and I'm sure somewhere in there vent interviews will be done.

Learn our bidding system, our raid schedule times are Tue/Wed/Thr/Sun 7pm-whenever we finish. Psilocybob runs TKs/SSCs/T4 and he runs them Fri/Mon 7pm-whenever. We need raiders for both.

The main classes we are looking for:

Boomkin Druid
Protection Warrior
Shadow Priest
Retrubution Paladin
Holy Paladin

but we are accepting and looking over all application. Realize we are the LARGEST guild on the server. We have a ton of casuals and a ton of raiders. Spots are competitive, you are applying with the understand you might be riding the bench until a spot comes open. You're fighting against returning members, vacationing members returning and casuals looking to jump up in rank. But this community will without a doubt be one of the most unique experiences you've ever had gaming to date.

So I wish you good luck on your applications, to the members already who are afraid of competitive spots, that's the way we've always rolled. To all new members of the Brotherhood I say welcome. And remember, we can't house everyone. : )
-The Godfather of the Brotherhood.

Last edited by BennyD : 03-03-2008 at 08:00 PM.
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