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Slock 05-28-2008 01:25 PM

Gettin' high off spraypaint... what I'm doing right now at work. I've heard that it's therapeutic to inhale it, SO THAT'S WHAT I'M DOING ASPIDOFU AISDHFASDF!!!

Evo 05-28-2008 03:10 PM

Not just annoying on vent, but on the forums as well! Someone recruited a real winner :D

Cennar 05-28-2008 09:06 PM

Evo, I tried to let your childish behavior go and make peace. Shit happens and really don't feel like seeing you make fun of my blood when this is a place for me to communicate with other fellow gamers. If, I'm still invited maybe I will make the trip to Cedar Point.

Miracael 05-28-2008 09:29 PM

Lighter's awesome, I dont know what Evo is talking about :confused:

Slock 05-29-2008 08:04 AM

Evo, you guys were playing Dota, I had no choice but to blast DOTA (by basshunter) over vent.

I don't make the rules...

And thank you Miracael.

Evo 05-29-2008 08:18 AM

Hey I'm a ventrilo admin btw for a reason. There's a tutorial on leveling everyone's outbound to the same volume, but it makes it creates static and bad sounds on my client. SOOOO If you're really loud, guess what? You sound really loud on my headset.

And Mr.Billy, my replacement phone is coming in the mail (should be today) I expect you to end this bickering and get some hawt text messages. I'm just messing with the guy, I talked to him on vent a few nights back. GO MATYLAND

Slock 05-29-2008 08:20 AM

Yikes, alright. Sorry Evo =[

Evo 05-29-2008 10:23 AM

Billy, I guess you were talking about the piture in my sig. I thought it was funny, and we (chat boxers) were talking about it a few days ago. And lets think about this for a second: A friend that I've played an online game with for over a year is now porking my brother's ex-girlfriend, who I despise, and it's taking place about 7 minutes away from my house. I think I'm more than qualified to make stupid cartoons about the two of them, don't you?

Morin 05-29-2008 02:17 PM


Fees 05-29-2008 02:37 PM

*Asks Phil to pass the popcorn*

Caliene 05-29-2008 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Morin (Post 17542)

such an instigator!

Vero 05-29-2008 02:39 PM

<---down with the brown

Artalis 05-29-2008 02:42 PM

*Advises Fees that there is a "surprize" at the bottom of the popcorn bucket*

Karrde 05-29-2008 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Artalis (Post 17548)
*Advises Fees that there is a "surprize" at the bottom of the popcorn bucket*

Mike would know. he's been all up in Phil's popcorn before.

Jhereg 05-29-2008 02:50 PM

This thread has veered wildly into foreign territory, I approve

Cennar 05-29-2008 07:25 PM

SHit happens, and they 2 ppl broke up and 2 ppl starting dating. That kinda shit happens all the time, and ppl get over it. You just seem to get under my skin and that is really rare, but having someone call you a flaky piece of shit for reasons that were not that clear at the time. I'm sorry evo, but I really don't think you will be receiving cell phone call from this guy.

Someone had to poke her if Fee wasn't getting the job done.

XaneAvitar 05-29-2008 07:31 PM

who would want fees sloppy 2nds lol.

Cennar 05-29-2008 08:28 PM

did fees even dip?

Evo 05-29-2008 08:38 PM

A recap for everyone reading:
1. I posted a light-hearted insult @ Slock
2. Billy responds to a cartoon drawing in my sig of Hollie & TJ's fake kid. And by the way, if they're having kids they must be doing well.
3. I posted my reasoning for making the cartoon.
4. Billy says that "people get over it" like I have an issue with the two of them dating. He then brings up an argument we had over two months ago (bravo btw).

HEY SMARTY PANTS, I don't have an issue with the two of them being an item. I just think it's hilarious LIKE THE REST OF THE GUILD and it's worth making a stupid cartoon about. I actually just saw Hollie TWO FUCKING WEEKS AGO and guess what happened? We talked and had a fun time playing fucking xbox with some friends. I didn't even mention her relationship. What I can't get, is you not being able to get over an argument that we had a long time ago.

Says a lot about your cousin TJ, a friend of mine that after leaving the guild and < include Hollie drama here > did not say a single word to me about anything. So you can go ahead and drop this respect that you think your cousin (and your friends Orzlife since you want to bring up old times) deserves from me. After talking with him on the phone & online for how many months, he's 5 minutes down the fucking street from me & I don't even get a "hello."

I'll make cartoons about whatever I fucking want to make cartoons about, unless told otherwise by a reputable member of this gaming site. The guild isn't raiding, so the majority of the people on this site use it for entertainment. I'm sorry the stupid fucking cartoon doesnt entertain you. Believe me, it's in good taste.

And since you feel obligated to insult my brother, because he has a lot to do with your issues with me ..I'll go ahead and set things straight:
I WOULDNT POKE HOLLIE WITH MY FINGER, let alone any other part of my body. So you can give your cousin a big high five from me, because you obviously think it's a big accomplishment. If anyone reading this has any sexual fantasies about this girl, or if you want to dream about being TJ for a day, go ahead and keep an eye out for Pimples and Piercings Volume's sure to be out by the end of the month.


Vero 05-29-2008 09:16 PM

just my thoughts if billy was fees and it happened to him things would be completely different

hohfeld 05-29-2008 09:19 PM

I don't want to throw gasoline on a fire but that picture is hilarious. The bat on the shirt is a nice touch. Though the name could be better.

Fees 05-29-2008 09:34 PM

*Offers the popcorn bucket to Brad*

Cennar 05-29-2008 09:38 PM

.... whos fees? Vero, fees isn't saying anything at least on here.

"They'd be the ugliest children you've ever seen - fucking weebles with dreadlocks." - Evo

I assume, I know who this is about. Dude... Vero, yeah i am sure I would be upset for some time, but if I said things to a girls as if she didn't want me and be a dick to her a lot of the time there is not much I can expect to happen than having her leave me.

SHit happens.... move on and stop being dicks. We all know I will defend TJ when I see BS that doesn't need to be said.

Staras 05-29-2008 09:39 PM

hohfeld 05-29-2008 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Fees (Post 17573)
*Offers the popcorn bucket to Brad*

why thank you fees. And I agree with fil, this site has been devoid of drama for a while. I would like to thank evo and billy for making this possible. Sorry if my irreverence offends.

Cennar 05-29-2008 09:48 PM

Evo who cares if you would poke Hollie, Fees was the one dating her and he liked her at some point I am sure of that.

TJ not saying hello... to my understanding he thought everyone hated him. Why would he go say hello to you? You think you are friends? I thought, you were a friend and then you blow up and start shooting shit on how I am a piece of shit... ok, thats a friend?

"And since you feel obligated to insult my brother, because he has a lot to do with your issues with me ..I'll go ahead and set things straight:
I WOULDNT POKE HOLLIE WITH MY FINGER" who cares if you would poke her... that doesn't make sense

Staras 05-29-2008 09:57 PM

damn adam,

but not really.

hohfeld 05-29-2008 10:04 PM

Damn cats and their expressive ways.

Evo 05-29-2008 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Cennar (Post 17577)
who cares if you would poke her... that doesn't make sense

Anyone else laughing irl? Read your post moron.


Originally Posted by Cennar (Post 17577)
fees isn't saying anything at least on here.

Your right he isnt. Mr. I stand up for TJ when theres bullshit around. Excuse me for being defensive when you make fun of Jeremy like that. I don't want to speak for him, but what Marty said is right. He's not the one making fun here, I am. He talks to her on a regular basis and isnt really that butt-hurt over the whole thing.

But lets think about something here, Hollie obviously isn't the issue. Like I said I just saw her a few weeks back and didn't have any problem whatsoever. The issue you're upset about must be TJ, and I think you're right...maybe everyone does hate him. But I'll set something straight, if I called YOU a flaky piece of shit for leaving without saying anything...TJ might as well be a flaky pile of horse shit with piercing and dreadlocks. I can whip up a drawing real quick if you'd like

Cennar 05-29-2008 10:08 PM

.... would you be laughing online? and not IRL ...

Laughing at the fact that I said your point doesn't make on bit of sense? I am just wondering when you sleeping with Hollie had anything to do with this conversation?

Evo 05-29-2008 10:12 PM

Billy hit the "2" button at the bottom of this page, and then look at the bold sentence you typed. Not only is that an insult to my brother, but you're making it sound like YOUR BOY IS GIVIN IT TO JESSSICA ALBA.

starrla 05-29-2008 10:14 PM

i<3you adam

XaneAvitar 05-29-2008 10:14 PM

Deviator 05-29-2008 10:17 PM

I thoroughly enjoyed this thread. A+.
Hollie is pretty hot, and everyone knows I'd hit up TJ RL if I ever saw him.

hohfeld 05-29-2008 10:20 PM

where are the piercings and pimples? Also how long did it take you to come up with that picture dale, plus there is no nsfw warning. Though I do approve of the caption.

Staras 05-29-2008 10:20 PM

its old, but i feel that it needs to be posted.

Cennar 05-29-2008 10:20 PM

ok.... making fun of someone for piercings and having dreadlocks( which he doesn't have) is real clever.

Ok, so if your making fun him i must ask the question, again, why would you get upset if he doesn't come by and say hello?

Ok, so before you found out what was going on you started cussing me out, thats seems fair enought, right? I didn't feel like telling you what was going on at that very moment, then you began to tell me everything I did wrong and start calling me names. Its all clear to me that nothing more will come out of this thread than you trying to find new ways of making fun of other, so lets just end it.

I don't like you and you don't like me. You can keep on posting picks and making fun of ppl then getting mad because they didn't come say hi.

Evo 05-29-2008 10:20 PM


I made the cartoon because TJ didnt come and say hi. Hit the nail on the head Billy.

Deviator 05-29-2008 10:21 PM

nipples and piercings will be featured in the next episode.

XaneAvitar 05-29-2008 10:21 PM

lacey might not dig the anal but im sure hollie does

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