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Guitar Hero

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Title Guitar Hero
Description Why play WoW when I can play Guitar Hero?
Posted By Karanda [View more pictures from Karanda]
Category Self Pictures
Original Filesize 21.0 KB
Date Posted 09-08-2007 06:32 PM
Number Of Views 8544
Number Of Comments 1
Average Rating 0.00

Member Comment
Bemani Fiend


Join Date: Jan 2007
Forum Posts: 595
Image No Title
09-09-2007 03:04 AM Because Guitar Hero is the easiest game in the world. Might as well quit and go back to WoW. Guitar Hero was made for people who are bad at other rhythm games but think they're awesome. I honestly don't make fun of GH players, because the game is fun and you can make money at it, but challenge any real rhythm gamer and they'll probably smoke you. I might change my mind after Guitar Hero 3, but as of right now, V on Hyper > Jordan/Six on Expert, and that's all that really matters.

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